Advantages of Solar Energy

Here are just some of of the Advantages of utilizing Solar Energy

  • There is an unlimited energy provided by the sun
  • Decrease in green house gas emissions
  • Solar is yet to be an essentially untapped market
  • After the initial cost energy from the sun is virtually free
  • Using other energy sources do not give you a return, you continually pay never seeing any return on your money
  • No need to pull from a power or natural gas grid Solar and other renewable energy systems can be stand-alone

Alternative Energy

This blog is designed to bring you information about Alternative energy. Whether the project is big or small. Questions that need answers or just plain curiosity about what it is that you can do to not only help save our planet but also to help save you some of your hard earned cash by incorporating alternative ways to conserve energy in your home.

Hadron Collider

Good, Bad or indifferent?
Many people have expressed great concerns, feeling as though this is a sign of the end of the world.
Has anyone stopped to think about what the cavemen would have said if you told them about hydro, phones or better yet the internet.
It amazes me how very few people seemed to know about the start-up of LHC. This is something that affects the world and everyone in it.
Crazy how we know more about sports or movie stars then we do about those things that may directly affect us.
Could it be that we are too afraid to think of what could become of this? Can we be just that focused on entertainment rather than real world events?
And one wonders why we have many of the issues in the world that we do today!
Your thoughts?????