Wind Power or No Wind Power

So tonight I attended an informational meeting on Wind Power. They are proposing a number of Wind turbines in this area. It was ever so interesting and enlightening to hear the thoughts around me. While engaging in conversation with a number of people I heard everything from "The government is trying to pull one over on us" to the turbines have been known to cause rashes on people around the turbine area. Now I am sure that without a doubt the shadow effect and the low noise it emits may affect some people, after all who are we to doubt what another is feeling. My suggestion to the company putting the info session on was to go around to the neighboring people and test what their levels of hearing are, vibration affects and maybe a shadowing machine for a few weeks on their property to gauge things before agreeing to erect a turbine - he thought it was an excellent idea (but maybe the government told him to say that :)
Why is it that when some people are exposed to peanut butter they can die while the majority of population can consume, smell or be around it without any problems what-so-ever?
But the rashes, I would definitely have to hear more on that reasoning. All in all I learned a great deal. Interestingly some of the arguments had clout, for example one person claimed that all the energy was not needed by our country so they were selling it off to another...when I asked where they received their information, well they had inside sources. Probing to find out how much fact there was in that statement the man gave me that deer in the headlights look as though he had never been called to task on his musings. Stumbling he went on to state that is why our hydro is going up, because they can sell it for a higher price to another country. After all if they can get more for it there why wouldn't they charge more here? How much is fact? How many people actually do their own homework and how reliable is their source?
I wonder how much commotion was made way back when they began to erect hydro poles and wires, did people complain back then that they were an eye sore? Did they get rashes etc????
Trying to keep an open mind and being entertained by the varying views.
What are your thoughts??